Membership Application

indicates a required answer

Before beginning this application process, please print off the ReACHE by-laws and ReACHE co-op handbook so you will have it to read. You will be asked if you have read it at the end of this application process and you will have to click away from your application to view it if you don't open it up at the beginning.

You can find these in the links on the left tabs.

You will need a pastor recommendation (please see the link under "how to join" on the left) and a member recommendation (included in the application).  If you do not have a member recommendation, you will need two pastor recommendations. 


I. Parent Information

1. *

Father's Name (or guardian)

2. *


3. *

Marital Status

 (1 required)
Married Single
Widowed Divorced
4. *


5. *

Place of Employment

6. *

Home Phone:


Business Phone:

8. *

Cell Phone:

9. *

Mother's Name (or guardian):

10. *


11. *

Marital Status

 (1 required)
Married Single
Widowed Divorced
12. *


13. *

Place of Employment:

14. *

Home Phone:


Business Phone

16. *

Cell Phone:

17. *

Family Email:

18. *

How often do you check your email?

II. Student Information

19. *

Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade level


Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade


Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade


Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade


Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade


Child's Name, DOB (month/day/year), Grade

III. Emergency Contact Information:

In the event that your child needs to be sent home from a ReACHE sponsored event and we are unable to reach you, to whom may your children be sent? (You may list several, but please specify all required information for each contact.)

25. *

Emergency Contact Name and Relationship to Child

26. *

Home Phone

27. *

Cell Phone


Emergency Contact Name and Relationship to Child


Home Phone


Cell Phone

31. *

Doctor's Name

32. *

Doctor's Phone Number

33. *

Are there any other health problems of which ReACHE leadership members should be aware? (If there are none, just specify- NONE- in the space provided below.)

IV. Spiritual Life of Family

A. Church Information:

34. *

Name of Church

Church Attendance:

35. *


 (1 required)
Member-Yes Member-No
36. *


 (1 required)
Member-YES Member-NO


37. *

Child's Name

38. *

Member of Church

 (1 required)
Yes No

Child's Name

40. *

Member of Church (if no child is listed, just mark NO on next choice)

 (1 required)
Yes No

Child's Name

42. *

Member of Church (if no child is listed, just mark NO on next choice)

 (1 required)
Yes No

Child's name

44. *

Member of Church (if no child is listed, just mark NO on next choice)

 (1 required)
Yes No

Child's Name

46. *

Member of Church (if no child is listed, just mark NO on next choice)

 (1 required)
Yes No

Child's Name

48. *

Member of Church (if no child is listed, just mark NO on next choice)

 (1 required)
Yes No

B. Spiritual Journey Questions


49. *

1. Briefly describe your personal salvation experience.

50. *

Describe your present relationship with Christ and how you are seeking to become more like Him.


51. *

1. Briefly describe your personal salvation experience.

52. *

2. Describe your present relationship with Christ and how you are seeking to become more like Him.

53. *

Why do you as a family desire to home school your children?

54. *

How do you incorporate Scriptural principals into the daily life of your family?

55. *

Briefly describe the goals you have for your children.

C. Worldview Questions

56. *

1. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. God is the Creator of the universe. He has concern for and is closely involved with His creation.

B. God is a being who designed the universe and "set it in motion" but who remains uninvolved or, at best, a distant observer.

C. God exists in the minds of some individuals only for the purpose of creating meaning and value.

 (1 required)
57. *

2. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I believe that the Bible is a great piece of literature written by men, not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

B. I believe that the Bible is the infallible, Word of God and is accurate in all of its teachings.

C. I believe that the Bible is open for interpretation and contains some discrepancies.

 (1 required)
58. *

3. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I believe that Jesus Christ was a real person, but not the Son of God

B. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and lived a sinless life on earth.

C. I believe that Jesus Christ was simply a great teacher.

 (1 required)
59. *

4. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I believe that morality is relative to each individual and situation-what may be wrong for one person may not be wrong for another.

B. I believe that there are no absolutes standards; therefore each person develops their own moral standard.

C. I believe that there is a set of absolute moral guidelines established by God that applies to all cultures and times.

 (1 required)
60. *

5. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I believe that eternal salvation can be earned through belief and good works.

B. I believe that salvation is a free gift from God through Jesus Christ and cannot be earned.

C. I believe that salvation is granted by God to those who achieve a certain level of perfection.

 (1 required)
61. *

6. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I believe that I am a product of evolution and God did not create mankind individually.

B. I believe in the story of creation and rely on God to work out His plan for mankind.

C. I believe that our origin is a mystery and we won't ever know our true source of existence.

 (1 required)
62. *

7. Which statement comes closest to what you believe?

A. I am not sure whether there is a heaven or hell.

B. At death, one will spend eternity in either heaven or hell.

C. At death, one cease to exist; there is no life after death, no heaven or hell.

 (1 required)

V. Affirmation Agreements:

Please read the ReACHE Organization By-laws before continuing.

1. We have read the ReACHE Organizational By-laws and Statements and understand what is expected of us as members. We agree to demonstrate commitment to the group by making every effort to support and encourage the accomplishments of its purpose. We agree to participate and serve in its activities.

By typing your name below you are agreeing with the above statement.

Click HERE for ReACHE By-Laws
Please disable popup blockers.

63. *

Father's Signature

64. *

Mother's Signature

2. Release and Assumption of Risk

We are aware that while involved in any ReACHE function/activity, certain risks and dangers may occur. In consideration of, I have and do hereby assume all risks, and hold harmless ReACHE and its members, as well as, First Baptist Fannin Church, from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, claims and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may arise from my participation in functions, activities, service projects, classes, and/or field trips with ReACHE.


I have read the above release and agree to the above release and assumption of risk. (By typing your name below you are legally agreeing to the above statement).

65. *

Father's Signature

66. *

Mother's Signature

3.  By requesting membership to ReACHE, I understand that I will be subject to a background check.


67. *

Father's Signature

68. *

Mother's Signature

4. Parent/Student Participation

If your students are participating in an ReACHE co-ops, please read the co-op handbook and fill out this section.

Click HERE for ReACHE Co-Op Handbook.
Please disable popup blockers.

Parents, please read and answer carefully:

69. *

Have you or anyone in your household ever been a member of ReACHE before?

 (1 required)
Yes No
70. *

If you or someone in your household has previously been a member of ReACHE, why was membership terminated?  (If you marked no, please put N/A in the field below.)

71. *

Have you ever been a member of another homeschool group?

 (1 required)
Yes No
72. *

If you have been a member of another homeschool group before, which group where you a member of?  (If you marked no, please put N/A in the field below.)


73. *

If you are no longer a member of a homeschool group, why?  (If your previous answer was no, please put N/A in the field below.)

74. *

Have any of your children ever been asked to leave a traditional school?

 (1 required)
Yes No
75. *

If so, please explain the nature of the incident. (If you marked no, please put N/A in the field below.)

76. *

Has anyone in your family ever been charged with any criminal activity?

 (1 required)
yes no
77. *

Would you like to be mentored by a current expericed homeschool mom? (This would be the contact person if you have any questions about our group, activities in our group or a general homeschool question.)

Yes No



Students should read the co-op handbook and sign below (By inputting your child's name into the blanks, you are agreeing that they have read the handbook and they agree to everything in it.)

Please insert every child that has read (or has had read to them) the co-op handbook and agrees in the blank provided below. Use commas to separate each child.)

78. *

__________________________ agrees that he/she will, with God's help, follow the principle set forth in Matthew 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law of the Prophets."


Insert child/children name in blank below:

Your signature below verifies that you agree with the above statements.

79. *

Father's Signature:

80. *

Mother's Signature:

81. *

Please list at least one current ReACHE member that we may contact for a reference. Include their name and phone number.